National Poetry Month day 14

 I’m Not Scared Of The Dark Anymore

don’t let the darkness fill you-

like when the power would go out

as a kid

sitting alone in your bed

not knowing how to get up

to find the flashlight

not knowing what could get to you

before you could find someone you knew

don’t let the darkness fill you-

like the words she said

when you thought she was your friend

but really she was the one

with the gossiping tongue

conversing with the ones

you once conversed about with her

now talking of your body

and scrutinizing your worth

don’t let the darkness fill you-

like the words he said before he left

like the tongue of a partners now turning harsh

like the air in your lungs

and your voice

and your heart

losing its breath

don’t let the darkness fill you-

because you’ll find no enemy in the dark

you might trip or fall finding your light

but you’ll find it

and there’ll be better friends

who’ll hug your frame 

instead of judging you by your weight

and there’ll be lovers who don’t leave your head

and heart pounding

whenever they leave

don’t let the darkness fill you

because one day

it’ll come

and it’ll go 

in the same way they did.


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