Calories In A Peppermint

I can never erase from my mind,
the calories in a peppermint.
Or how I squished a muffin in a napkin,
and threw my food away in my bathroom trashcan.
I can never erase the tears from my eyes,
when I sat with my head over a toilet seat,
after my brain told me I was fat.
I can never erase the BMI calculators,
or recommended calories, and nutritional labels.
I can never erase my fear of whole milk,
or how I cried over one Oreo,
or how I was afraid at every meal.
I will forever see a number in every piece of food,
but I'll no longer allow it to take the spark out of my eyes,
the strength out of my smile,
and the life out of my body.
So if becoming skinny is your only goal,
I pray you see how it ate away at my soul.


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